ArrivedinAthensyesterdayandmadeourwaytoourhotelinMoschato.It'sbeautifulandthestaffissofriendly! Wesettledintoourroomandthen I wasfinallyabletosatisfymyfrappecravings! They'reseriouslytoogood. I don'thaveanyexcitingoutfitpostsyet, I'vebeenin a swimsuitsincewearrivedinGreece! However, I didbuyanadorableskirtandtankfrom H&M todaythat I can'twaittowearout! Anywaysit's 3:40 PMhereand I need a siestanap! I'lltalktoyouallsoon, leavesomelove!
wow... sounds like youre having so much fun, the water looks amazing! and your swimsuit looks so cute. hope you don't get too sunburnt! looking forward to seeing the purchases xx brooke
Welcome to Europe (pretty stupid to say that, considering how far away Finland is :D)! I'm soo jealous!! I loove Greece and that beach looks amazing! (though I can't complain, Finland is probably almost as hot at the moment!) love the sunnies & bikinis darling! Enjoy! xoxo
p.s. had to delete the earlier comment, it was so full of typos it was embarissing! though this one probably is too... I'm so exhausted from the heat I can't consentrate at all :D!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous of your trip!!! sounds like you are having an amazing time, when you get a chance post a travel iternary of all the places you are going and for how long would love to know all :) Much love from Ireland
wow... sounds like youre having so much fun, the water looks amazing! and your swimsuit looks so cute. hope you don't get too sunburnt! looking forward to seeing the purchases
ReplyDeletexx brooke
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Europe (pretty stupid to say that, considering how far away Finland is :D)! I'm soo jealous!! I loove Greece and that beach looks amazing! (though I can't complain, Finland is probably almost as hot at the moment!) love the sunnies & bikinis darling! Enjoy!
p.s. had to delete the earlier comment, it was so full of typos it was embarissing! though this one probably is too... I'm so exhausted from the heat I can't consentrate at all :D!
Water looks amazing! Have a good time in Greece, wish I was on holiday now..
ReplyDeleteThat frappucino looks nice (:
I can't begin to tell you how much I want to be there right now. It looks amazing!!!!
ReplyDelete*die of envy*
ReplyDeletehave the best time :)
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous of your trip!!! sounds like you are having an amazing time, when you get a chance post a travel iternary of all the places you are going and for how long would love to know all :)
ReplyDeleteMuch love from Ireland
it looks so beautiful!! love your pink lipstick!
ReplyDeletelooks like you got the spirit of the greek sunny summer holidays!
ReplyDeleteenjoy the rest of your stay!
absolutely adore your photos!!!
athens, greece
what lipstick are you using?! i am falling in love with that shade of pink!
ReplyDeleteThe water is so clear and beautiful. I love the pictures. Reminds me of home.
ReplyDeleteYour lipstick colour is stunning! So summery. x