ArrivedinAthensyesterdayandmadeourwaytoourhotelinMoschato.It'sbeautifulandthestaffissofriendly! Wesettledintoourroomandthen I wasfinallyabletosatisfymyfrappecravings! They'reseriouslytoogood. I don'thaveanyexcitingoutfitpostsyet, I'vebeenin a swimsuitsincewearrivedinGreece! However, I didbuyanadorableskirtandtankfrom H&M todaythat I can'twaittowearout! Anywaysit's 3:40 PMhereand I need a siestanap! I'lltalktoyouallsoon, leavesomelove!
Yesterday I met up with Raez from Cheap Thrills for an afternoon of vintage, food, photography, and fun! We started Downtown and made our way to The Exchange District, my favorite place in the entire city for shopping and partying during the summer months! Seriously, this girl is a babe. Check out her blog for her amazing photography, outfits, and general awesomeness. Raez is wearing an American Apparel tee, vintage Levi shorts, bag from Aldo, and an assortment of jewelry (love the gold bangle). I'm wearing ASOS floral dress, Club Couture gladiator sandals, Le Chateau fringe bag (pictured below). Me and Raez were both obsessed with this adorable bicycle. By now we're all aware of my floral obsession and this bicycle's cute flower basket is perfect! We then headed over to The Pastry Castle for quesidillas, cookies, and biscotti! Delish! We stopped by Vintage Glory, my fave vintage shop in Winnipeg, to do some hunting. I ended up taking home an adorable pink and white floral skirt while Raez scored some awesome glasses and a pretty bag. It was a fun afternoon, but too short! We'll definitely plan another rendez-vous (Osborne perhaps?) when I'm home, and next time be in some pics together. I'll try to do one more post before I leave but if not, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and I'll be updating you from Greece as soon as possible! Love you all!
What happened to our "summer" weather?! It's been rainy and cold the entire week so I pulled out my scarves, jackets, and knee-highs to accommodate our highly unfavorable climate. On a sunnier note, congrats to Raych who won the beautiful Tolani scarf from my 150 follower and chickdowntown giveaway! Make sure to check out for more fab fashion! Wearing Aldo heels, Katch22 dress, Urban Outfitters motorcycle jacket, Le Chateau knee-high socks, Le Chateau fuchsia pashmina.
I was originally going to do a 100 follower giveaway but 150 came up so fast! Again I'd like to thank all my amazing readers for your comments, e-mails, and inspiration that you give me every day. You are all undeniably fabulous and effortlessly glam.
To celebrate this blog milestone, the fab people at have supplied me with a beautiful prize of my choice for one of my readers. Up for grabs is this beautiful TolaniPurple Morning Glory scarf which I'm absolutely in love with. This oversized 100% silk scarf is a fabulous touch to any ensemble, in brilliantly bold colors and abstract florals perfect for summer! The scarf is 27x72", dry clean only, and retails for $99.00.
Check out for their other amazing designer items; Current/Elliot Boyfriend Jeans, McQ clothing, Balmain shoes, Zimmerman jumpsuits, and many more fabulous items perfectly suited for your summer wardrobe!
To enter the giveaway, leave your name and e-mail address (and blog URL if you have one) in the comment section of this post. I will announce a winner in one week, on June 11. Good luck everyone!
Thank you to everyone who commented and e-mailed me about places to visit and stay while in Amsterdam this summer, I'm beyond excited! Feel free to continue sending me e-mails at, I love hearing from all of you!
Wearing Le Chateau striped button-up shirt, thrifted distressed light wash jeans, Fairset flats, Le Chateau floral fringed scarf, Mom's bangle.